- Behind a Door
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- Some nights seem moonless.
Some nights seem moonless.
V. Bouillon

C. Hudak
(The stage is dark. Perhaps there are trees in the background… they are difficult to make out. Two people are lost in the woods on a moonless night. There is nothing to light their way. They stand apart, looking outward, without apparently seeing anything beyond the dark.)
First Person: (Gestures toward a tree.) We won’t get out tonight. Let’s sleep here, under this tree.
Second Person: (Cannot see the gesture, and is frustrated.) We can’t. What about your mother…?
FP: It’s too dark. We won’t find our way out before morning. There’s no moon. We should sleep here.
SP: That’s ridiculous. Do you have a match?
FP: Yes, but we’re not going to see much by the light of a match.
SP: Let’s light my shirt on fire.
FP: What?! No! It’s cold! We’re not lighting your shirt on fire.
SP: We can wrap it around a stick. (SP rummages around for a stick.) We’ll find our direction by its light. (SP rummages some more.) Give me your match! (SP is getting frustrated.)
FP: (Calmly.) No.
SP: Give me your match! (SP is getting angry.)
FP: No. (FP is determined.) Let’s sleep here.
SP: That’s ridiculous. What about your mother? She will be so angry. Just give me your match.
FP: No. I won’t light your clothes on fire.
SP: Please?
FP: No.
(There is a long silence.)
(The silence continues.)
FP: Where are you?
SP: Here.
FP: Where?
SP: Right here.
FP: (The tension in FP’s voice rises.) Hold my hands? (FP reaches toward SP’s voice, fruitlessly.)
SP: Relax. I’m right here. And I think I can tell the path from the woods with my feet.
FP: (FP finds SP and clings to SP’s arms.) Hold me.
SP: Yes, fine. (SP turns and places FP’s arms on SP’s hips.) Here. You hold me. Just hold on. I’m going to try.
(SP begins to walk.)
FP: (FP is doubtful.) Can you feel it?
SP: Yes.
FP: How can you?
SP: I don’t know. (SP pauses.) The path feels smoother than the forest does. I can feel the difference in the ground beneath my feet.
FP: I can’t feel it.
SP: That’s fine. I have it. Hold me.
FP: Are you sure?
SP: No, of course not. Just hold me.
FP: Don’t let go.
(They walk together.)
(SP’s hands are outstretched, reaching forward and warding off.)
SP: Is that light?
FP: Where?
SP: Over there.
FP: No.
SP: Right there.
(SP stops. SP shifts FP’s face toward the horizon, unsure whether FP will be able to see the very small, very distant, light.)
Encantadas, 072-073
M. Kish

In Amsterdam, When They Did Not Yet Know She Was Pregnant
S. Miller
(Jen is crouched next to a bicycle locked to a parking meter opposite the door to a two-story mixed-use apartment building. She is fiddling with the bike’s lock when she sees John walking towards the building. She stands.)Jen: I have the keys, do you want me to let you in?
John: I don’t care.
Jen: What do you mean?
John: Neils let me in, I was already up there.
Jen: Oh. What are you doing here?
John: What do you care?
Jen: So, you don’t need the keys.
John: Well, I can’t get in without them.
Jen: But you could take them and when I come back you could let me in.
John: Whatever.
Jen: I’m going to go eat. Do you want to come?
John: I thought you were going by yourself. You said you were getting your bike then you were going to eat.
Jen: I said I was going to get my bike. That’s all I said.
John: It didn’t seem like you wanted me to come with you.
Jen: What is this all about?
John: What is what all about?
Jen: This.
John: It’s about how I wanted a beer and you didn’t.
Jen: I can’t believe that’s it. It has to be about something else. I’d like to apologize but I do not understand what I’m apologizing for.
John: Then don’t.
Jen: Then how do we go on?
Jen: Then it’s about something else. What is it about?
John: You’re no fun to be with. You can’t even stop for a beer before we go eat. (Mimicking her) “No, I’m hungry, I don’t want a beer.”
Jen: So that’s it. I’m not fun to be with. I was hungry when you wanted a beer. I’m sorry you think I’m not fun to be with.
John: You never want to do anything. It’s only 10:30pm, you want to go to bed and I’m just getting started.
Jen: Right. That’s right. So you’ve spent a lot of time telling me in a lot of different ways that I suck. Thank you, I know that now. Now what.
John: I’m not telling you you suck, you’re saying that. Don’t put words in my mouth.
Jen: Right. I should treat what you say literally. Literally, you said, that I’m not fun to be with. But that doesn’t mean I suck.
John: No, it doesn’t.
Jen: OK. Now what.
John: You tell me.
Jen: I honestly don’t know. Though it occurs to me that you have no idea whether I’m fun to be with because you’re always working.
John: Right. Maybe if you were more fun to be with, then I wouldn’t work so much.
Jen: You’re kidding.
John: No. I don’t know.
Jen: So where are we going to go?
John: I don’t know.
Jen: You were going to wander.
John: Yeah.
Jen: Then let’s wander.
(They wander.)
(After some time, they pass a chocolate shop.)
John: I’m going to get some chocolate before they close.
Jen: Get me some dark chocolate.
John: Ok.
(John goes into the shop, then comes back.)
John: I got a Baker’s Dozen.
Jen: What is that?
John: He said it was the end of the day and it’s Friday, so he let me have an extra one. So, I got another dark chocolate.
Jen: Thank you.
Made for Walking Socks

C. Hudak for Behind a Door

These cuff-down socks with mirrored cables call for a fingering or sock weight yarn, and a needle that provides a firm gauge when knitting 3x1 ribbing. The sample socks were knit by a loose knitter knitting Retrosaria Rosa Pomar Mondim yarn on size 0 needles.
The pattern is appropriate for adventurous beginners and will make socks to fit a woman’s size 6-8. For additional sizes, add or subtract number of CO stitches in groups of 4 to increase or decrease the size. Size adjustments may require additional consideration regarding the placement of the featured cable.
Questions about knitting abbreviations? Check the Craft Council’s abbreviation list.
This design has not been tested. Please email [email protected] if you encounter errata.
Right Cuff
Cast on 60 stitches. Join for working in the round. PM to mark the beginning of the round, and work in 1x1 ribbing (i.e., K1, P1) to make a cuff the length you prefer. Sample cuff is 1 inch.
Right Leg
Set up Round: K1, P1. Place a locking marker. P4, K4, P4. Place a locking marker. M1R purlwise. *K3, P1*. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end of the round. K2.
Rounds 1-3: K1, P1, SM. P4, K4, P4, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Rounds 4-5: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Round 6: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2. Sl 2 stitches to CN and hold in back. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Rounds 7-11: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Round 12: K1, P1, SM. Sl 6 stitches to CN and hold in back. K2, P2, K2 from main needle. K2, P2, K2 from CN. SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Rounds 13-17: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Round 18: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2. Sl 2 stitches to CN and hold in back. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Round 19: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Rounds 20-23: K1, P1, SM. P4, K4, P4, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Round 24: K1, P1, SM. P4, Sl 2 stitches to CN and hold in back. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P4, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.
Repeat Rounds 1-24 twice. Then repeat Rounds 1-19 once.
Modified Rounds 20-23: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.Modified Round 24: K1, P1, SM. K2, P2, Sl 2 stitches to CN and hold in back. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * until 2 stitches before the end. K2.
Set up for Right Heel Flap
Remove locking markers. K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * twice. K3, P2tog. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to 2 stitches before the end. K2. Arrange your stitches so you have 30 stitches (on one needle if you’re using a circular, or on two needles if you’re using dps) for your Top of Foot, and 30 stitches to work for your heel.
Right Heel Flap
For the heel, you will stop working in the round, and instead work back and forth on just 30 stitches. So, turn your work, so the inside of the sock is facing you.
Row 1: Sl 1, P 29. Turn work.Row 2: *Sl 1, K1. Repeat from * to end. Turn work.Row 3: Sl 1, P 29. Turn work.Row 4: Sl 1, K2. *Sl 1, K1. Repeat from * to two before end. K2.
Repeat Rows 1-4 eight times. Repeat Row 1 once more.
Right Heel Turn
Row 1: Sl 1, K16, SSK, K1. Turn work.Row 2: Sl 1, P5, P2tog, P1. Turn work.Row 3: Sl 1, K6, SSK, K1. Turn work.Row 4: Sl1, P7, P2tog, P1. Turn work.
Keep working back and forth in the manner of Rows 2-4, until all heel stitches have been worked.
Sl 1, K across.
Right Gusset
To return to knitting the round:
Pick up and knit 17 slipped stitches along the side of the heel, plus one more in the corner. PM. K1, P1. *K3, P1, repeat from * twice. K2, P2tog. *K3, P1, repeat to end. M1R, PM.
Pick up and knit one in the corner, and then 17 slipped stitches along the other side of the heel. Place a marker for the new beginning of round (BOR).
K across heel stitches. Ktbl to two before marker. K2tog. SM.K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end. M1L. SM. SSK. Ktbl to BOR marker.
Decrease and create the gusset:
Round 1: K to marker, SM. K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to one before end, K1. SM. Knit to BOR, SM.Round 2: K to 2 before M, K2tog, SM. K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to one before end, K1. SM. SSK. Knit to BOR, SM.
Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 twelve times.
Set up round for Foot: K to marker, SM. K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to two stitches before M, K2tog, SM. Knit to BOR, SM.
Right Foot
Knit all the knit stitches and purl all the purl stitches until the foot measures 1.25 inches shorter than you want your sock to measure in total. If you are not knitting for yourself (and cannot measure the sock recipient’s foot), check the Craft Yarn Council’s foot size chart for reference.
Right Toe
Arrange your stitches so that all the top of the foot stitches (in ribbing) are on one side, and all the bottom of the foot stitches (in stockinette) are on the other. To begin, you should be at the beginning of the foot side of your knitting.
Round 1: K1, SSK. K to 3 stitches before the end of the needle, P2tog, K1. K1, SSK. K to 3 stitches before the end of the needle, P2tog, K1. Round 2: Knit all stitches.
Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 until you have 12 stitches on each needle.
Cut the yarn, leaving a tail long enough to finish the toe using kitchener stitch.
Left Cuff
Make as Right Cuff.
Left Leg
Set up round: *K3, P1. Repeat from * four times. Place locking marker. P4, K4, P4. Place locking marker. M1L purlwise. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.
Rounds 1-3: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, P4, K4, P4, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Rounds 4-5: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Round 6: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2. Slip 2 stitches to CN and hold in front. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Rounds 7-11: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Rounds 12: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM. Slip 6 stitches to CN and hold in front. K2, P2, K2 from main needle. K2, P2, K2 from CN. SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Rounds 13-17: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Round 18: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2. Slip 2 stitches to CN and hold in front. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Round 19: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Rounds 20-23: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, P4, K4, P4, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Round 24: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, P4. Slip 2 stitches to CN and hold in front. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P4, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.
Repeat Rounds 1-24 twice. Then repeat Rounds 1-19 once.
Modified Rounds 20-23: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, K2, P2, K4, K2, P2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.Modified Round 24: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to marker. SM, P2, K2. Slip 2 stitches to CN and hold in front. K2 from main needle. K2 from CN. P2, K2, SM. P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.
Set up for Left Heel Flap
Remove locking markers. *K3, P1. Repeat from * six times. P2tog. K1. These are now your Top of Foot stitches. K2, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to four stitches before the end. K3. Slip the last purl stitch (without knitting) onto the needle with your Top of Foot stitches.
You will now have 30 stitches for your Top of Foot (on one needle if you’re using a circular, or on two needles if you’re using dps), and 30 stitches to work for your heel flap.
Left Heel Flap
Work as for Right Heel Flap.
Left Heel Turn
Make as Right Heel Turn.
Left Gusset
To return to knitting the round:
Pick up and knit 17 slipped stitches along the side of the heel, plus one more in the corner. PM. M1L, P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to one stitch before the end. K1, PM. Pick up 1 stitch in the corner and then 17 slipped stitches along the other side of the heel. Place marker for the new beginning of round (BOR).
K across 18 heel stitches. Ktbl to two before marker. K2tog. SM.K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to one before marker. K1, SM. SSK. Ktbl to BOR marker. SM.
Decrease as follows to create the gusset:Round 1: K to marker, SM. K1, P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to one before end, K1, SM. Knit to BOR, SM.Round 2: K to 2 before M, K2tog, SM. K1, P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to one before end, K1, SM. SSK. Knit to BOR, SM.
Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 twelve times.
Set up round for Foot: K to marker, SM. K1, P1. *K3, P1. Repeat from * to two stitches before M, K2tog, SM. Knit to BOR, SM.
Left Foot
Make as Right Foot.
Left Toe
Make as Right Toe.
To finish, weave in all ends and wet block.
© C. Hudak.

Video of jet taking off at night, with ambient jet noise, by E. Hudak